29 December 2006

New Zealand: Land of Compromise

My impression of New Zealand was that it is a place for people who can’t make up their mind. New Zealand has beautiful mountains with glaciers, but not as beautiful as the Alps or Alaskan mountains. It also has beautiful beaches and temperate rainforest that reminded me a little bit of Hawai’i, though again, not as beautiful. The cities are okay, but they can’t compare to many European cities. But what makes New Zealand truly unique is its diversity of ecosystems, which are full of unique birds and plants, in such a small country. Within a few hours you can drive from what is essentially a high desert, pass through a high alpine area with glaciers, and arrive at a temperate rainforest with a nice beach. And considering that it is a beautiful place with a nice climate, there are relatively few people living there, especially on the south island.

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